Friday 24 July 2015

How To Choose The Right Home Video Monitoring System

The need for video monitoring systems goes far beyond simple security. Nowdays, video monitoring can also give you piece of mind by allowing you to monitor your home, keep an eye on your kids and monitor the inventory in your small business. Imagine the reassurance of being able to remotely access real-time or archived footage of your residence or business. And maybe you’ll catch a neighborhood cat up to no good.

But with all of these capabilities come many choices and options, and determining which system is the right one for you may seem tricky.

home camera monitoring
Wired or Wireless

Home monitoring systems are available in two flavors – wired and wireless. They’re exactly what they sound like: wired systems are hard-wired into your home’s electrical system, while wireless camera monitor work on battery power and via wireless signal. Wired systems are generally more expensive to install and more difficult to replace, but they are more stable and have excellent signal quality that won’t conflict with other wireless devices in your home. On the other hand, wireless cameras are easy to install, easy to hide, and less expensive to purchase and replace. However, other wireless devices (like a cordless phone) can interfere with their signal, compromising recorded image quality.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

According to the FBI, 79% of all home invasions begin at the front or back door, or a ground-floor window. If budget permits, weatherproof, outdoor monitoring cameras should be trained on all exterior doors and first-floor windows. These cameras are available in standard, bullet and dome variations, are rain and snow-resistant, and may even have heaters for cold weather areas. Additionally, dome cameras are resistant to physical attack, including strikes from a bat or hammer.

Recording Format

Most home camera systems record video for a set period of time (usually a few days), but you’ll need to choose the format. VHS (video tape) is inexpensive, but has the lowest quality and most outdated technology. Some systems also record to DVD or mini-disc, but most are now transitioning to DVR (digital video recorder) technology. A computer-based camera system records your video to the PC’s hard disc, making it fast and easy to review your video history. Some high-tech systems available today simultaneously upload your video online, so even in the event that your security is breached and your system is stolen or destroyed, you still have a video record of the burglars.

Virtual Access

Many home monitoring systems today also offer virtual access to your video feed via the Internet or your smartphone. Generally, remote access, mobile alerts, or cloud-based features require monthly or yearly fees with your monitoring manufacturer.

Uses and applications of Wireless Cameras

* Wireless security cameras are becoming more and more popular in the consumer market because of its reasonable price and advantages. It helps to monitor your home and property.
* Wireless security cameras are also used by law enforcement agencies to cut down crimes. The cameras can be installed in many remote locations and the video data is transmitted through government-only wireless network to their headquarters.

Benefits of Wireless Video monitoring

* A wireless video monitoring camera can boost your wireless security at home or business.
* They are also used at public places to monitor civilians. Governments are installing them in public places to avoid any unwanted incident.
* Wireless security cameras can be operated from a distance of 100 feet. There are two types of wireless video monitoring camera systems available. They are:

1. Covert system: The cameras are hidden in this system. It is mostly used to monitor the babysitters and housekeepers or helpers and servants at office.
2. Overt system: When the monitoring cameras are clearly visible, it is called an overt system. They are used for traffic monitoring, for catching speeding vehicles and thieves. They are also useful for deterring crimes in public places like banks, casinos, shopping malls, airports etc.

How to Choose?

There is no one-size-fits-all to home monitoring. The system you choose will be based on your budget, your home’s layout, your climate, your security concerns, and other factors. Start your search with a basic idea of what you want and a reasonable budget, and then get researching. Different systems, even those in the same price range, mix and match features differently, so keep looking until you find one that offers what you need at a price you can afford.

Wireless home video monitoring gives you a peace of mind as you feel a sense of security when at home or away from home. You and your property will be safe and which reduces the chances of break-ins by burglars and intruders.

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